Category Archives: Secrets of the Universe

Secrets of the Universe webinars

Since Covid-19 has closed many Museums and Planetariums, where “Secrets of the Universe” would normally be shown, these institutes are interested in engaging their members remotely.
We have offered virtual webinars allowed interactions between their members, the film “Secrets of the Universe”, and myself, as the scientist who can communicate the Physics of the Large Hadron Collider.

We have hosted Webinars at
PacSci, Armagh Planetarium (Ireland), The Tech, California Academy of Sciences, University of Maine Planetarium and others.

Secrets of the Universe Premiere

The “Secrets of the Universe” Premiere was held in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC on July 10.  UC Davis News noted the Premiere. It was exciting to share the movie with our first audience, including our main supporters the National Science Foundation, partners like the Perimeter Institute and the University of California, as well as family and friends.

The film will be playing at the Smithsonian for a year.

Secrets of the Universe update

The trailer for “Secrets of the Universe” is now available.

Directed by Stephen Low, and made for the giant screen format, “Secrets of the Universe” introduces the physics we do at CERN, and puts in the context of the history of science.  I am the science advisor and featured scientist of the film. I’m very excited to share my joy in science with the general public, particularly since the film is aimed at kids.

Coming soon to a giant screen near you!

With director Stephen Low, on location at CERN.